Is your work situation making it hard to lose weight? Eating healthy when working away from home is a challenge when you're not in control of your environment. Unless you're going to swap jobs, you'll need to navigate the limited choices available when eating away from home if you're going to keep your eating on track.
Read MoreHealthy eating at work is hard because you're not in control of your environment. It's much easier eating healthy at home where you can decide what's available, but how do you navigate the work struggles of chocolates from grateful customers and birthday cake every other week to resist? Try these three practical tips.
Read MoreSnacking after work can be a hard habit to break. It's so tempting to eat something comforting when we walk in the door and before dinner is underway. But this mindless eating can undermine our best healthy eating/weightloss efforts. Why do we snack after work and how can we stop the snacking after work?
Read MoreBeat the post-holiday eating blues with these quick and easy meal prep ideas. It can be hard to get back into the routine and healthy eating after a few days or weeks of eating whenever you like and maybe whatever you like too! But with these meal prep ideas your healthy eating will be back on track in no time.
Read MoreThe main reason to have breakfast is to give your blood sugar levels the best chance first thing - it’s going to set you up for the rest of the day and avoid those 10am munchies. But breakfast probably needs to be quick and really simple - there’s just no time to be sorting the school run, cooking and getting out the door. No wonder tea, toast and cereal are popular go-to options but they won’t help your waistline - my five options will though!
Read MoreWith health news and food advice hitting the headlines almost everyday, it can be hard to know what to believe. Headlines are designed to grab attention but might not tell the whole story. You need to understand the health news and how it relates to your own situation before deciding whether to change anything.
Read MoreYou probably know what you should be eating and that balancing your blood sugars throughout the day is key. But then real life gets in the way and all too soon your good intentions just go out the window. Before you know it afternoon snacking and post meal munchies have railroaded all your efforts and the pounds pile on, especially around the middle. That’s why I think tackling snacks is more important than even your meals when trying to beat cravings and lose weight.
Read MoreMigraines are painful and debilitating and can strike out of nowhere. There are certain migraine triggers which are worth knowing including some foods and drinks that you might want to avoid. The best way to know is track the potential food and drink triggers and see if it makes any difference to your migraines.
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