Savvy Snacks - 5 Ways to Stop Healthy Eating Going Off Track

You probably know what you should be eating and that balancing your blood sugars throughout the day is key. But then real life gets in the way and all too soon your good intentions just go out the window. Before you know it afternoon snacking and po…

When Real Life Railroads Healthy Habits

As midlifers, you probably know quite a bit about what you should be eating and that balancing your blood sugars throughout the day is key.

But then real life gets in the way - a bad day at work, a hectic home life or the temptation of wine o’clock - and all too soon your good intentions just go out the window. Before you know it afternoon snacking and post meal munchies have railroaded all your efforts and the pounds pile on, especially around the middle. Sometimes, I find myself snacking without even realising it - just read my post on how salty foods really put me off track!

That’s why I think tackling snacks is more important than even your meals when trying to beat cravings and lose weight.

Why Are Snacks the Key to Midlife Weight Loss?

If we’re thinking about losing weight, I think we often focus on our meal times and put our efforts here. And so the snacks and ‘sneaky’ tit-bits can go un-noticed and get in the way of us losing weight.

But I don’t want you to think you can’t have a night out at the pub or a meal with friends just because you’re losing weight.

So we need to talk about it.

All of us (me included) want a way of eating that we can stick to – as I discussed in my Facebook Live on the best diet. And if your aim is losing weight then you still need it to fit in with real life and not cause more stress.

That’s why food swaps are an easy way to make beating cravings and losing weight feel manageable and sustainable.

Sounds like a win-win to me.

Savvy Snacks

We all need a little pick me up during the day so I’m saying a definite yes to snacks, providing you’re hungry! Just give them a little thought (try taking them with you in small containers) so that they don’t steer you off track from losing weight.

Don’t just have a carb based snack; you want to keep blood sugar levels nice and steady to avoid those crashes and cravings.

Five simple snack solutions:

  • A handful of toasted nuts, or seeds sprinkled with soy sauce

  • A handful of olives plus a small piece of feta

  • Crudités - such as cucumber, celery, baby corn with hummus/cottage cheese

  • (Full fat) natural or Greek yoghurt with berries/chopped fruit

  • A couple of slices of wafer thin ham

Give It A Go!

Having one of these snacks to hand during the day will help avoid hiding chocolate/crisp wrappers and keep you going throughout the afternoon. And if you’re thinking - what about crisps - why not try something different - my Kale Crisps recipe goes down a storm with anyone who has tried them.


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