How to get back into your favourite jeans and back in control of your eating habits without feeling deprived or giving up wine or chocolate.

 Change those unhealthy eating habits and lose the weight you’re struggling to shift so that you’re back on track and eating tasty (REAL) food with the rest of the family.

Do any of these sound familiar to you?

  • The weight isn’t shifting and you’ve tried everything - you think you’re eating healthily, but just don’t have the willpower or motivation to be good day in and day out. Especially in the afternoons or in the evenings about 8pm.

  • You hate seeing photos of yourself - if you look too closely it’s like you don’t recognise yourself, so you avoid mirrors and hate photos being taken. You also avoid changing in front of anyone else, no matter how non-judgemental they are.

  • You put off buying clothes and make do with what you’ve got - actually you have to breathe in when you try on a pair of trousers you haven’t worn in a while and say a silent prayer that they still do up.

If so, I get it because I was there too…

“OMG, how did that happen?!”

I was standing in front of the mirror wondering what on earth to wear. It had got to the point where I dreaded receiving invitations. I had a wardrobe of nice clothes but I wasn’t comfortable in any of them. I hated going shopping and seeing myself in the changing room mirrors. 

If we got an invite, I would rifle through my wardrobe trying on outfit after outfit. Then, standing very tall (I’m only 5’ 3!), I would face the mirror with child-like hope but it wouldn’t look great. I would start with what I really wanted to wear and work down to a pair of black jeans and probably a black top too.

I hated seeing photos of myself. I felt self-conscious and uncomfortable in social situations. My self-esteem was low and I was really lacking energy. But was also sad because this didn’t feel like the real me.

The crunch came when we had to cancel a social engagement last minute and I felt relieved. I didn’t want to feel like this. I hated receiving an invite and feeling initial excitement followed by ‘Oh, God! What am I going to wear?’

I couldn’t carry on like this because I wasn’t going to spend the rest of my life avoiding social situations and missing out on having fun. Luckily, a weekend with old friends provided me with the answer I needed. And now I want to share how I fitted back into my wardrobe of clothes so that there’s no more putting life on hold or wearing the standby black top and jeans to social events!

And all of this led to the creation of…

 The Mastering Midlife Weightloss Programme

A brand new online transformation programme TAILORED specifically for midlifers who want to shift the weight, fit back into their wardrobe and be as healthy as possible for the second half of life (without giving up wine or chocolate)

  • Lose the weight so that you can feel fab about yourself again, enjoy dressing up and not worry about tugging clothes down to hide bits

  • Never again resort to meal replacement shakes and chicken breast and broccoli meaning you can eat meals with the rest of the family, enjoy your food without feeling deprived and have a social life

  • Cut through the overwhelm and know exactly what to eat for your age and hormones so that you’re back in control of your eating habits, confident you’re eating right and relaxed around food

  • Get off the rollercoaster of quick fix, expensive, diets where the weight comes back on when you stop and instead change your eating habits meaning you’ve got a long-term, sustainable, achievable way of life

  • Get your energy back so that you’re motivated to get back to the things you love doing and you’re not exhausted and ratty with your loved ones in the evening.

This isn’t like any programme you’ve seen or experiences before…

You’ve probably tried everything so I’m sure you’re sat there thinking you’ve heard it all before. And you’re wondering how this transformation could be any different than everything else out there.

Well, let me share a few things with you…

Mastering Midlife Weightloss is like no other programme out there. Not only have I designed this specifically for midlifers who are struggling to shift the weight, based on my MSc in Human Nutrition and over 3 years working 1:1 with clients, but most other programmes out there will leave you…

  • Feeling deprived and bored of eating bland, unenjoyable food, from having to say no to the foods you love and being the one not joining in.

  • Overwhelmed by the drastic changes you’re expected to make; your life’s busy and you don’t have the time or energy to cook different meals.

  • Relying on willpower and discipline to fight the cravings so gradually you lose motivation and give up (and the weight piles back on).

Instead, the Mastering Midlife Weightloss programme will give you…

  • A proven step by step plan for midlifers to follow so that nothing feels drastic or unachievable taking you from food fundamentals through strategies to breakthrough plateaus to planning long term and handling social situations and real life.

  • A way to shift the weight that’s tasty and satisfying (no bland, boring food here!) and doesn’t leave you feeling deprived or left out.

  • Your energy back so that you can join in all those things you used to love to do. No more slumps in the afternoon or being ratty with the kids in the evening but plenty of energy all day.

  • Everything you need to fit back into your wardrobe, feeling confident wearing whatever you like, knowing that you look and feel great and not worrying about covering up those lumpy bits.

  • Food freedom and clothes freedom meaning you’re relaxed in social situations and when eating out, knowing you look great and are showing up as your best self.

  • Feelings of control because you know how to eat to suit your lifestyle, you know what to eat and when plus you know how to get back on track after holidays and weekends away.

  • Ways to crush your cravings so that you’re not reliant on willpower or discipline when there’s treats around.

  • The security of knowing it’s long term because you’ve changed your habits and you know how to plan your meals and track what you’re eating. No more ‘on the diet, off the diet’ for you.

  • Group support with regular access to a nutritionist so that you’ve got on-going motivation, encouragement, accountability and a chance to trouble-shoot when life gets in the way (which it surely will.)

Investment & How It Works

The 12 week Mastering Midlife Weightloss programme is £347 (or 2 payments of £174)

I’ve broken this programme into 3 specific nutrition phases:

Phase 1 is the food fundamentals where you start to control your eating habits. You get 12 different meal plans so that you’re eating right straight from the start; this means that very quickly your cravings go way down, you start to get your energy back and you learn how it feels to be eating right for your age.

Phase 2 is the fine tuning where you learn how to plan your own meals and make adjustments to your favourite meals so that you can start taking control and moving away from the meal plans. You’ll get to grips with tracking what you’re eating and getting a feel for what works for you, meaning that you’re changing your eating habits.

Phase 3 is food flexibility and covers how to take your new eating habits into the real world for long-term success. You’ll learn the tips and techniques for eating out and what to do if life gets in the way so that your weightloss is sustainable and long-term.

Exactly What You Get

** Special bonus

  • 3 x 10 minute videos - relaxation for stress relief; pilates to tone the tum; and light weights workout targetting the arms

Plus the 12 week programme consisting of:

  • Weekly achievable tasks sent to your email that move you along the proven programme without it feeling overwhelming

  • Weekly audio that explains that week’s task in further detail so you can learn the ‘why’ behind what you’re doing and listen at your convenience

  • Handouts with each task for easy reference and somewhere to make notes as you go along

  • 12 different meal plans, including meat, fish and veggie options so that you always have tasty, healthy recipes to turn to and ensure you get quick results

  • Private Facebook Group just for those on the programme where you can get support, motivation and accountability

  • Weekly Facebook Lives with a nutritionist where you can get your questions answered to keep you on track

  • Mid-week accountability tasks that are quick to implement but ensure you’re following along and will get the results

  • Weekly reminder messages straight to your phone so that it’s easy for you to stay motivated and moving forward.

Here’s what some of my recent clients have experienced by following this programme:

Midlife Weightloss
Midlife Weightloss

Mastering Midlife Weightloss is like nothing you’ve seen or experienced before.

It’s not a deprivation diet where you’re eating bland, unenjoyable food or using expensive meal replacement shakes and bars where you end up bored and when you stop it all piles back on again.

This is a manageable, step by step framework with proper, tasty food and delicious meals that will help you change your eating habit so you’re back in your favourite jeans and relaxed around food because you know what to do rather than having to keep going round the dieting loop.

If all this programme did for you was…

  1. Finally helped you get back in control of your eating habits …

  2. Gave you a way of eating that doesn’t make you feel deprived …

  3. Gave you ALL the strategies and techniques to do this on your own after the 12 weeks … would this be worth it?

YES … Of course it would!

Get Registered Now - Checkout Closes 21st August

Jump into the Mastering Midlife Weightloss programme so you can start shifting the midlife weight, get back on track with your eating habits and fit back into your favourite clothes.

What you’ve tried before hasn’t worked otherwise you wouldn’t still be reading this…

… so where will you be in 12 weeks time if you don’t take action and join the Mastering Midlife Weightloss?

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